Jewelry Care

How To Clean Jewelry 

You can clean your jewelry with warm soapy water. Do not use harsh chemicals, such as alcohol. What you can use is a soft bristle toothbrush. Gently use it to wash and clean the jewelry. If there are any spots with build up, you can let the jewelry soak in the warm water. Rinse throughly with water and dry with a soft cloth to prevent any rust or tarnishing. 

How To Maintain Jewelry
It is very important to take care of your jewelry. Especially, if you want them to last! Keeping your piercing and jewelry clean is the key to maintaining our jewelry! Here are some tips we thought would be helpful on how to properly care for your jewelry so that they will last!

  • Always clean your piercings even after your piercing has healed! New piercings should be cleaned once or twice a day. As for healed piercings, they should be cleaned at least once a week. (Your piercings can be cleaned with a saline solution or antibacterial soap)
  • Clean your jewelry regularly with warm soapy water and dry it properly. Never use alcohol to clean because it can damage the jewelry.
  • Apply make up, body lotions, harsh facial washes before putting in your jewelry. Try to avoid direct contact; as the chemicals in the beauty products may cause the jewelry to tarnish.
  • When you are not wearing your jewelry it can be stored in a jewelry box or bag.